A spat amongst a few editors of Tomorrow has become public. Links: Mr Wang, Singabloodypore,sing-a-pore and La Idler.
I am guessing it has a lot to do with a certain civil servant, which is not surprising if you look at the type of trolling comments this person has made on many people's blogs. Check out Nick, Mrs Budak and beautifuk. It's also not funny when folks with legitimate questions are accused of trolling by him.
ms beautifuk commenting on this particular troll:
...I heard all about you and the childish comments you tend to post on other people's blogs. Read them through other bloggers' links in fact. Tell me, what makes you think I'd listen to a grown man whu types lyke dis? No, actually the poor reputation you've garnered for yourself means that I automatically move your opinions to the waste paper basket. Not to mention the fact that you're a few good years past the university stage. Perhaps you should devote more time to babysitting and less to surfing blogs and leaving tarty comments.
or the reply by singaporean on Mr Wang's blog:
AFAIK, jseng may work for the singapore govt but he is not a singapore citizen. Having read his blog regularly just to see what IDA could be doing. Instead, I see him flying all year round and doing ego trips around the world.
Since their own government would rather hire a foreigner to be the face of singapore at international conferences, it is little wonder he sees most singaporeans as dumb serfs to be educated by him.
Update (9 Aug): Cowboycaleb (representing that cabal group of bloggers) responds to the criticism directed at Tomorrow.sg , and mrsbudak replies. The whole thing smacks of what establishments usually do to their critics - they can't take any of it and go through what mrsbudak says a persecution complex.

Feels better to know I wasn't the only one trolled by "him"... even as I made a comment on Tomorrow.sg, he blasted me for nothing with his attitude. According to the good fellas there, try not to take his attitude personally as he sometimes doesn't even know when he is offensive. Also, gotta love Mr. Wang for putting it out in such a beautiful fashion.
I doubt anyone takes his ugly retorts personally. Most readers are just appalled that he has such little tact. He may be a brilliant person but his social skills online are pretty boorish. The excuse that he knows not how he comes off has long run its course. There comes a point where he has to learn how to 'play well with others'. Most of us learnt that in kindergarten.
I wonder, despite some real faux pas committed by J that literally made me go gaaaa once, whether there're instances of identity theft going on in some of the other exchanges...
Wow he's making a name for himself being a nuisance alright. I didn't know it's gone to that extent though..haha
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