All the great stuffs about Arizona
These are all so true. From the winter tempests of the Upper Midwest to the scorching summer heat of the Sonoran Desert, I can say I have endured (and survived!) temperature extremes from both ends.
You notice your car overheating before you drive it.
You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water.
You can hear the weather forecast of 115 degrees without flinching.
You can be in the snow, then drive for an hour...and it will be over 100 degrees.
You discover, in July it only takes two fingers to drive your car, because your steering wheel is so hot.
The best parking is determined by shade.....not distance.
You realize that "Valley Fever" isn't a disco dance.
You can make sun tea instantly.
Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.
It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation and yet all the streets are totally empty of both cars and people.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
Sunscreen is sold year round and kept right at the checkout counter.
You put on fresh sunscreen just to go check the mail box.
Some fools will market mini-misters for joggers and some other fools will actually buy them. Worse.....some fools actually try to jog.
You can pronounce Saguaro, Tempe, San Xavier, Canyon de Chelly, Mogollon Rim, Cholla, Gila and Tucson.
You can understand the reason for a town named "Why", or "Tombstone".
You can fry an egg on the hood of a car in the morning.
You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River.
You hear people say "but it's a dry heat!"
All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after October but clear out come the end of April.
You think someone driving wearing oven mitts is clever.
Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile roof.
Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.
Kids ask, "What's a mosquito?"
People who have black cars or black upholstery in their car are automatically assumed to be from out of-state or nuts.
You know better than to get into a car with leather seats if you're wearing shorts.
You can finish a Big Gulp in 10 minutes and go back for seconds.
The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.
You've lived in AZ for a long time but you have never been to the Grand Canyon.
You can attend any function wearing shorts and a T-shirt/tank top.
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
You realize that snowbirds aren't really birds at all, but just really bad out of state drivers that you learn to hate
There are only two temperatures, hot and hotter
Even thinking about not having air conditioning makes you sweat
You travel out of state and any sort of humidity nearly kills you
*You have no idea why 48 other states (Hawaii doesn't do it either) insist on changing their clocks twice a year for this thing called "daylight savings time".

Fall colors of Northern Arizona
1 comment:
Let me add one more... you can watch the Rockies sweep the Diamondbacks on the way to their first World Series.
Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.
Colorado's just the opposite: the water from the cold water tap is always very, very cold, even in the middle of summer when we have 100 degree days.
And I've survived temperature extremes from the winter tempests of the Rocky Mountain foothills to the scorching summer heat of the Rocky Mountain foothills.
Crazy desert weather, that's all I have to say.
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