Friday, March 31, 2006

Buying of GP papers

Sometimes I wonder if these folks are still living in the era of the pre-internet days. Buy what buy? Get it for FREE ONLINE. Is this an April Fools' joke or what?
BTW, I don't recommend memorizing 'model essays'. Reeks of academic dishonesty.

The Straits Times
April 1, 2006
Curb sale of GP prelim-exam papers

VENDORS of school examination papers now have a new target group - students of junior colleges.

The hot subject is General Paper and a set of past years' preliminary-exam- ination papers from the various junior colleges, which includes answers, costs around $35.

If the Ministry of Education could allow junior colleges to place their past preliminary-examination papers on their websites, it would go a long way to create a more level playing field for all JC students.

It would also recognise JC lecturers who make an extra effort to set thought-provoking examination questions. JC websites would also have more vibrancy and online participation.

Our teachers and schools should be lauded for creating educational 'intellectual property' and the fruits of their labour should not go towards profiting a few people out to make a quick buck.

Colin Ong Tau Shien

Here are two good sites to start off.

Selected questions from RJ and VJ are already available to those who are willing to search.


L'oiseau rebelle said...

Memorize model essays? I can't even remember the exact definition of a mathematical concept that I must have used at least 20 times in my homework this semester.

Seriously it cost me less time, garnered me better grades, and widened my knowledge by actually following current affairs, etc, and writing GP essays myself.

On the other hand, I don't know what's so secret about JC prelim papers (or any exam, actually). 700 students have already seen the paper!

L'oiseau rebelle said...

What about MIT's open courseware then? And half my professors posting not only the midterms and finals on their personal webpages for all to see, but also the problem sets? And sometimes solutions?