Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina and Rising Oil Prices

I watched this docudrama about 3 months before Katrina slammed onto the Gulf States. It's quite eerie, really, to see fiction turned somewhat into fact.

Perhaps it's time to consider switching gasoline cars for modified high fuel efficiency grease-powered diesel engined ones. Hey, at least the fuel will be free (if you get them from McDonalds and Wendy's). Not to mention recycling the waste oils.

However, it won't be a panacea for the oil problem. Such biodiesel production is probably very low (and uneconomical) compared to their fossil-based cousins for mass consumption. But a switch in technology to more renewable sources is long due.

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Less dependence on the evil cartel


rench00 said...

i came to your blog via one of the comments that you posted on mine.

you have an interesting blog!

anyways. yes... i think that it is high time we find an alternative to fossil fuel. that could be a field of research for biotech (using bacteria and vegetables and all to create fuel/plastic substitutes/etc).


rench00 said...

oh how cool is that? the word verification thing. how did you get that? i want one of those too...

shu said...

how about cycling? high time we created a cyclist's lane in singapore...