Sunday, September 04, 2005

Angels at Home; Havoc Overseas

Check out the Electric New Paper, Sept 5 edition on the comparison between local and overseas Singapore undergraduates. I wonder why it even appeared as a newsworthy article. Such activities have been going on for so many years in the overseas campuses that they can be considered non-events.

Is it such a shock really? Or is it that the 'scholars, top-scorers, prefects and councillors' are supposed to maintain some kind of moralistic behavior?

No wild parties here, just a beautiful sunrise. 江山美人


Unknown said...

Think it's good to give "tame people" a heads up on what's going on. I do agree, however, that such things here are considered "normal" among college students. I do not respect people who do these kinda things though, and I believe that people *can* say no. Think it's just like the article said: people get confused when going from a conservative society to a slightly less conservative one. Therefore, the same reason goes to the "writing of the article," as you mentioned...Possibly 'cause they can't believe it themselves and view it as a shock as well.

daftbitch said...

Perhaps it's no big deal. Perhaps it is.

my mom didn't even raise an eyebrow.

Hmmm... Takchek, i don't study in SoCal. I just so happen to have a home in SoCal.
Email me... i'm curious to know who lies behind takchek besides the usual historian.

And i'm really amazed you read my blog.